Ornamentals Form

You have received samples for experimental purposes. Fine Agrochemicals Ltd would appreciate your comments on the trials you will perform with the samples you have received with this form. Your feedback will help us increase our knowledge of the efficiency of our products under different conditions.

Thank you for answering the following questions. If you have any trouble or questions on how to fill in this form please contact us at trial_results@fine.eu.


    Sample Information

    Greenhouse parameters at time of application

    Tested crops (please indicate the variety)

    Comments and remarks

    Main objectives of the trial






    Treatment description

    (please describe product, dose, no. of applications, application time, treatment date, spray volume for each line)

    Please report key results where applicable


    No. of flowers per pot /
    No. of sprouts per pot

    Height of plants (cm)

    No. of lateral branches

    Marketable quality*

    Untreated control
    (if available)

    Reference treatment or usual program

    Treatment 1

    Treatment 2

    Treatment 3

    * Scale 1-10: Very bad commercial value, 8 standard, 10 excellent.